44th Annual Hang Around Victor Day™
Saturday, September 18th
1pm to 7pm (Rain or Shine)
Vendors at this event include local community groups, non-profits, craftspeople and local businesses. We invite your application to exhibit and hope you will take part in this year’s event!
Register Below Today: Applications are being accepted on a first come, first-served basis.
IMPORTANT: To appear on the site map in the program book you must register by July 30, 2021
If you prefer to drop your registration off in-person or mail it along with a check, you can download the form below.
Pricing for Vendors
Chamber Member - $80 for a 10’ x 10’ Booth
Non-member - $125 for a 10” x 10” Booth
Non-Profit Vendors - $50 for a 10’ x 10’ Booth
Food Vendors - $195
Display Booths
Each vendor must provide a display booth and racks or tables for work to be properly displayed outside on grass or pavement (depending on space assignment). Please be prepared for inclement weather conditions with rain covers and appropriate tie-down or weights. Each booth is limited to 100 square feet (10’x10’) of display space. Boxes and packing crates must not be visible. Poor appearance of an exhibit may be grounds for rejection. Generators are not allowed (except for food vendors).
We recognize the value of advertising. Hang Around Victor Day has coupled media sponsorship with an extensive ad campaign to obtain maximum exposure for the event.
New York State Sales Tax
All vendors who do shows in New York State are required to collect New York State sales tax. A “Certificate of Authority” may be obtained by calling 1-518-485-2889 or download the New Vendor form (DTF-17) from the website: www.tax.ny.gov. Local tax rate is 7.5%. Proof is required at show registration.
Cancelation Policy
An application is a commitment to show. If your cancelation (in writing) is received before August 21, 2020, your registration fee will be returned to you minus a $25 cancellation fee. No refunds will be made after August 21, 2020. In the event of cancellation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all money will be refunded in a timely manner.
Vendor Booth Operations
Vendors are required to have personnel present to operate their booths continuously during the official operating hours of the show. No vendor may open later or close earlier without prior approval of Event Coordinator. In case of inclement weather or other problems, the Event Coordinator will determine if official operating hours should be shortened. Vendors who leave the event prior to closing hurt the success of neighboring vendors. Vendors who leave early will not be invited to return to future shows.
*Mandatory Needs*
This year all vendors must have:
Sides and back for your tent
Hand Sanitizer
Face Masks
These items are required for the protection of other vendors and visitors to this event to help in the fight to keep COVID-19 from spreading.